An inter-tidal walk conducted by subject expert to explore the amazing marine tidal pool diversity at rocky shore of Anjuna beach.

Hands on training: an insect identification workshop conducted by subject expert Mr. Parag Rangnekar

fun times........students pose and flaunt their Mrugaya Xpedition T-shirts

Visit to the NCOAR and interaction with the scientists on climate change

D. G. Ruparel College, Mumbai with the Mrugaya Xpedition's group leaders

R.J. Zhunzhunwala College at Dr.Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary

Nature exploration with Omkar and Shraddha at Dr. Salim Ali bird sanctuary

R.J. Zhunzhunwala college, Mumbai at NIO

Basic Insect taxonomy/identification workshop......students getting to learn the different techniques such as insect collection, preservation and identification.

Study excursions are an integral part of any curriculum and involves experiential learning about any subject. Memories of the college excursions and trips are the most prominent of all in one’s life. While they are meant essentially to educate and decipher information and knowledge of the subject they are focused at, they can also be an unforgettable fun filled experience to the students and teachers involved. I remember my college excursions very vividly. One of the most awaited part of our curriculum used to be deciding on the place to go and planning for the same. Most of the time we students had to succumb to the pressures and choices made by our faculty members. Nevertheless, we knew how best to make of the opportunities given to us!
At Mrugaya Xpeditions, my aim is to constantly promote and emphasize the captivating spirit of such study excursions which is a blend of learning, understanding, rein enforcement, socialising, exposure, curiosity, participatory, experiential, building perspective garnished with lots of fun, a perfect cocktail to be served to the various educational institutes that choose to travel with us.
In January this year two colleges from Mumbai traveled with us to Goa for the study excursions a perfect and a unique program meant for students of life science, environmental sciences and environment management that encourages students and teachers to explore, experience and enjoy and in the process learn too! At Mrugaya Xpeditions we constantly strive for making such study tours not just educational experience but a fun filled outing.
I remember that most of our study excursions used to end up with just sight seeing or would be an inexhaustible shopping spree for some of the faculty members with the students just left to explore a few educational institutes and other places of some curriculum importance and this is exactly what i d'ont intend at Mrugaya xpeditions when i plan the study excursions for colleges. A lot of brain storming goes into designing a program that is apt and worthwhile to the curriculum. I always wanted the excursions to be filled with first hand experiences, hands on activities and a lot of interaction with experts from different fields who can rightly influence and help develop a scientific temperament among the young minds.
The study excursions are carefully designed to full-fill all the objectives it is meant for. A standard excursion includes nature trails, night trails, learning of field identification techniques, interaction with subject and field experts, audio-visual presentations on different aspects of nature and environment, hands on training in insect identification, visit to a butterfly garden, visit to a fish landing jetty, a marine walk for inter tidal species, visit to research and educational institutes like NIO and NCOAR. All this well conducted by a team of trained and expert volunteers who make the study tour not just and informative and learning experience but a fun-filled one too..........
Mrugaya Xpeditions is very proud to have catered to a number of colleges some not once but repeatedly. We look forward to serve many such colleges who believe in inculcating the true spirit of the subject and giving us a chance to fullfill our dreams of conducting such study excursions.